

My Illustrations of the last 1,5 years will be exhibited
in Uganda-Bar in Jerusalem from the 18th of august till
the end of October.

It is connected to a "Menofim"-Event
in Uganda. The Manofim project will be inaugurating
the Jerusalem art season, with 26 exhibitions
and a variety of art events.
for more information:

streetart part 2 - טאבולה ראסה

with Rony Bousany and supported by טאבולה ראסה.


streetart jerusalem - טאבולה ראסה - אמנות במרחב האורבאני

Streetartproject close to the market in Jerusalem.
Around 20 artists, photographers and designers, supported and sponsored
by the cityhall did projects in this street.
This walldrawing I did with Rony Bousany.